YI / XProfile
One Link with
XProfile is an open-source app that provides a one-link portfolio for showcasing your projects, skills, social links, and more.


Powerful features
for developers like you
xProfile is more than just a link to your bio. We've built a comprehensive range of powerful features that elevate your professional profile.
Add Showcase Projects
You can add 3 projects on your showcase page.
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projects and creators
Discover projects and meet the brilliant minds behind them. Get ready to be inspired as we unveil a treasure trove of talent and innovation.
Why wait? Grab yours now before this opportunity slips away!
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Happy Users
Don't take it from us - here's what our users have to say about xProfile.
Andrea R.
Sep 2
is not just a bio link, it’s a portfolio which you can claim in just 5 minutes.

Open source to its gonna be your next favorite tool. Open source to its gonna be your next favorite tool. Open source to its your next favorite tool.

We love it. Very useful.

Open source too it is gonna be your next favourite tool. Try it today. Its your next favourite tool.
Andrea R.
Sep 2
xProfile is not just a bio link, it’s a portfolio which you can claim in just 5 minutes.

Open source to its your next favorite tool. Keeping close 👀 on this one!
Andrea R.
Sep 2
xProfile is not just a bio link, it’s a portfolio which you can claim in just 5 minutes.
open source
Our source code is available on GitHub - feel free to read, review, or contribute to it however you want!
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Show your support by giving us a star on GitHub. Your appreciation drives our dedication to open-source excellence.
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Show your support by giving us a star on GitHub. Your appreciation drives our dedication to open-source excellence.
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Youth Icon

Giving developers the power to connect with inspiring developers by sharing their projects and skills.
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xProfile + Youth Icon
Open-source Software
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